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Kamis, 28 April 2011

2010 Physician Compensation

I think it's also worthwhile to browse through this information:
Fighting Darwin - Myth: Doctors Make Lots Of Money
You really have to factor in the immense loans and years of education instead of just looking blindly at salary.

The information below from:
Medscape - 2011 Physician Compensation Report

I was not surprised to see primary care physicians and Ob/Gyns are the least satisfied with their careers. I was a little surprised to see Anesthesiologists were the least likely to choose medicine again as a career. Physicians who would are most likely to want another specialty are: Primary Care, Emergency Med, Pulmonology, Ob/Gyn, and Nephrology. Many of those, aside from Emergency Med, felt they were not well compensated. Interestingly, Orthopedic Surgeons have the highest compensation but nearly the lowest satisfaction with their compensation.

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