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Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Chanel summer make-up 2011

Oh how I do like summer collections. And especially if Chanel comes out with a product called Mimosa! (Bellini next year?) Here's what I got:

I was desperate to get my hands on the nail colours - but to be honest, they're not worth the hype. Mimosa is a tremendously happy colour but it's difficult to apply, hence the rather sloppy manicure. Morning Rose is cute, it makes me think of candy, but I prefer Chanel's Pêche Nacrée from the spring collection (see pictures below to compare). And Beige Pétale is nothing special - so far I've used it once, applying just one coat to the nails (and no base/top coat) for a barely-there look when I didn't have the time to do a colourful manicure.

Summer collection: Beige Pétale, Morning Rose, Mimosa

Mimosa (summer), Morning Rose (summer), Pêche Nacrée (spring collection)

The blush-bronzers are really pretty and my favourite of the collection. I originally picked up the pink one, but then went back for the coral one. These give a soft glow to the cheeks and are perfect for summer.

Bronze Rose, Bronze Corail

Officially, I'm not into lip glosses anymore and especially not Chanel glosses because the two I had about six years ago leaked and I had to throw them out. But there was one gloss in this collection that I kept on picking up and admiring - always the same one - so I finally gave in. Glossimer 277 (Pensée) is non-glittery, it only has tiny gold sparkles (none of the outrageous blue, red, silver glitter). It is so pretty...  

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Otto's Muscle

The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle...a name so long that an anatomist started documenting it as Otto's muscle. You know you're a medical student when you actually appreciate the long name because it completely describes what the muscle does. It means lifter of the upper lip and of the wing of the nose.

I Have No Idea What They Are

I have no idea what they are
I have no idea what they are

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Islands Of Hawaii.

islands of Hawaii.
islands of Hawaii.

Butter London Victoriana

This is my first Butter London nail varnish. Great quality! Two coats (easy to apply) + top coat and my nails were still looking nice (as in, not much chipping) when I took the polish off - rather reluctantly - five days later. Staying power, yes!  

The rectangular bottles are so much more practical than eg OPI's round ones. They take up less space! 

Most of all, it's the colour that I adore, though. 

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Pharm Ads: Philip Morris

From JAMA, just 50 years ago.

Rain Delay Jousting

YouTube - Rain Delay Jousting

Worst Ob/Gyn Name

Procrastination Flow Chart

Cheap shoes

There are some things in life that I do not understand.

Usually, more expensive = better quality (= more comfortable).
However, when it comes to shoes, my experience has been: cheap = comfortable!

For example, my Prada heels (see here) are pretty to look at but hurt soon after I've put them on and I can hardly walk in them. But these cheap shoes from H+M are so comfy, I can walk in them all day. I got them in black and brown, and I feel like getting back-ups, that's how impressed I am. I can't believe it! I had no idea. Have you ever tried H+M shoes?

Hawaii, Central America 3

Hawaii, Central America 3
Hawaii, Central America 3

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Medical Student Vs Dean

Not completely off-track from the type of advice you hear from burnt out physicians.
YouTube - Medical Student Career Advice

[Primary Care] "The job is nothing short of a nightmare; a horrible concoction of unexplained findings, mental disturbance, bad acting, and diminishing financial returns. Much like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. Only in in primary care, there is no plot twist. The twist is that you are stuck in this nightmare until you retire."

Forum Question: Mom Arrest

All You Need Is Love

Ghost Prank

WHOA. That takes pranks to a whole new level.
YouTube - Ghost Prank

Sitting Kills

Lanikai Beach, Oahu, Hawaii.

Lanikai Beach, Oahu, Hawaii.
Lanikai Beach, Oahu, Hawaii.

Growing Hair Out