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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Great Combo?


Avalanche Artillery

YouTube - Avalanche Artillery

Disney Doctor

The publication of Blaggard Castle - a 1932 comic book featuring Mickey Mouse and sidekick Horace Horsecollar, in which three mad scientists (Professors Ecks, Doublex and Triplex) claimed that X-rays, if fired at someone, would burn their brains - caused so much unease amongst young patients in Pennsylvania that a Dr. Reuben G. Alley was forced to complain to Disney Studios. A response came in the form of the following letter, written by Mickey Mouse himself in an effort to quieten the wards of Western Pennsylvania Hospital.

History Hardcore

Just Say Die

From Article: As a medical oncologist, I spend most of my time treating people with incurable cancers. Depending on the person and the specific illness that person has, that question may come on the first visit with me or on the tenth: "How long have I got?"

JCO - Just Say Die

Physician Said: Most people with this disease will have problems soon...Time could be very short—a few weeks to a few months. I think it is advisable to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
What They Mean: You are dying

Physician Said: Your time may be short.
What They Mean: You are dying

Physician Said: If there were a hundred people in your situation, most of those people would have major problems within one month or so...let's consider that we are now at Labor Day. By the time we get to late September, early October, I would expect that you would be having major challenges or problems.
What They Mean: You are dying

Physician Said: Certainly, it sounds like the disease is really threatening your life.
What They Mean: You are dying

Fast Food Sushi

YouTube - Fast Food Sushi

Semen Allergy?

Men with the condition, known as post orgasmic illness syndrome or POIS and documented in medical journals since 2002, get flu-like symptoms such as feverishness, runny nose, extreme fatigue and burning eyes immediately after they ejaculate. Symptoms can last for up to week.

Fox News - Semen Allergy


Another Bear Grylls Joke

But I fully agree, those are some nasty drinks.
Wiki - Bear Grylls



My Blanket

You know one of you in the relationship is just like this dog. :)
Ebaums World - Napster Dog

Pretty spring pasta

I had the prettiest lunch today. Look at this flower pasta! It's perfect for spring and it tasted wonderful, too. For a split second it even made me want to make my own pasta (do you?)... but nahh I'm too lazy.

I was equally impressed with the peppermint tea. They brought me a pot of hot water and... a bunch of leaves. I was a bit sceptical but it worked!

Anesthesia Standard Of Care

A blog series dedicated to the discussion of anesthesia standard of care. It seems to favor nurse anesthetists providing lone anesthesia care. Some interesting and well thought out viewpoints.

Law Med Blog - Standard of Care

Chewing Gum Benzoars

Children have chewed gum since the Stone Age. Black lumps of prehistoric tar with human tooth impressions have been found in Northern Europe dating from approximately 7000 BC (Middle Stone Age) to 2000 BC (Bronze Age).

PubMed - Chewing Gum Benzoars

Amazing Discovery

Preparing For College

YouTube - 12yo Ping Pong

Lightning Energy

I drank this while walking to work, and got so pumped up I couldn't stand it. There were these two muggers walking their dog, so I snapped their necks and threw their bodies under a bus, and this terrorist was driving the bus, so I sprang through the windshield and kicked his face right of the skull. Everybody was yelling at me to get control of the bus, but it is at that point that I left my body entirely. As the screaming bus plowed into a YMCA, I hovered lightly over the street in spirit form, feeling for the first time the energy flowing through all things. I could have become a god. Unfortunately, I sensed that there were still traces of Cherry Charge energy drink in my earthly body's mouth, and I immediately returned to it. It's a really good drink.

Building Stonehenge

Normal Color

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Draw Time

Flash - Drawing Animation

A Helping Hand

Internet Medicine

A couple studies on how patients use the Internet to get medical information.

"As demonstrated by information supplied on World Wide Web sites by traditional medical sources, recommendations for the treatment of acute diarrhea show a low percentage of concurrence with the AAP guidelines. Patients must be warned about the voluminous misinformation available on medical subjects on the Net."
PubMed - Internet As Source Of Medical Info

"Physicians should be aware that their patients might visit the office with expectations based on outdated information found on the Web."
PubMed - Internet & Otitis Media Guidelines

Cops Mistook Victim

The Akita lawyer killed in his own house Thursday was fatally stabbed after being overpowered by police officers who mistook him for the attacker, it has been learned. After the officers mistakenly subdued Tsuya, Sugawara stabbed him with a blade he had been concealing, sources said. A senior officer of the Akita prefectural police confirmed to The Yomiuri Shimbun that the officers mistook which man was the attacker.

Yomiuri - Cops Mistook Victim


YouTube - Strange Placebo Effect
Fighting Darwin - Placebo

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Speeding Tickets

U.S. Government

Dizzle Frazzle With A Frogsack

YouTube - Passwords

Sponge Count Wrongly Correct

A surgeon operated on a patient to remove a pancreatic mass. At the end of surgery, a sponge count took place. This is standard practice - the scrub nurse and circulator count the sponges and compare with the original count. The surgeon is not involved in the count unless it comes up short, then the surgeon helps look for the sponge(s). The patient had a retained sponge even though the count came up correct. The family sued a year later and the surgeon said he could not be held liable for the nurse's negligence. Turns out it doesn't work like that...

Law Med Blog - Sponge Count

World Internet Speeds

Try Saying

Forgotten 80s NES Games

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor

98.6F Ideal Temperature

Two researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have found that our 98.6° F (37° C) body temperature strikes a perfect balance: warm enough to ward off fungal infection but not so hot that we need to eat nonstop to maintain our metabolism.

Science Daily - Ideal Body Temperature

Discussing Terminal Treatment

The decision not to pursue more studies and more treatment can be very, very difficult. Surgeon/journalist Atul Gawande in an essay entitled “Letting Go,” writes about how difficult it can be for physicians and patients to halt cancer treatment as the end of life draws near. The dilemma “arises from a still unresolved argument about what the function of medicine really is — what, in other words, we should and should not be paying for doctors to do.” In Gawande’s view, the profession should equip and supply doctors and nurses “who are willing to have the hard discussions and say what they have seen …”

New Yorker - Letting Go
"What should medicine do when it can’t save your life?"

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Doctor Food

Facebook Group Photo

Moto X 360 Front Flip

YouTube - Moto X 360 Front Flip

Pug Shoes

Discussing A DNR

A great article on discussing a DNR with patients.

von Guten - Discussing Do-Not-Resuscitate Status

Here are the main points:

1) Establish an appropriate setting for the discussion. Ensure comfort and privacy.
2) Ask the patient and family what they understand about their current health situation.
3) Find out what they expect will happen and how they want things to be if they are ill.
4) Discuss a DNR order, including context. Specifically use the word “die.”
Say: “If you should die despite all of our efforts, do you want us to use heroic measures to bring you back?”
OR “How do you want things to be when you die?”
Do Not Say: “Well, if your heart and lungs were to stop, would you want us to use shocks to start your heart and put you on a breathing machine?”
5) Respond to emotions sympathetically, which can be silently offering tissues.
6) Establish and implement the plan depending on your judgment and institution policies.