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Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Paris Fashion Week FW2010: The Japanese

Comme des Garçons has never been a line that pleases the shopping obsessed bystander who responds to runway photos with "Who wears that?" This collection threw the fashion world's obsession with "flattering your figure" back at them with a high velocity pillow fight. The padded pieces had no regard for traditional shapes. Some looks seems to have odd pillowed growths while others added bulk to the front of the torso with no regard to breasts or abs. I don't quite get where designer Rei Kawakubo was going with this, but if I understood I'd probably be disappointed.

Issey Miyake based this collection on geometric models of the universe. It started with seemingly random, colorful scarf-like garments and quickly switched gears to a stark black and white, geometric look then continued to build with color and texture--each pieces more intricate and stunning than that before it. I struggled to choose images and considered posting all of them here. In a time where designers are showing boring collections full of "wearable" pieces so they can pay the bills, Issey Miyake offered something daring without lacking wearable, editorial-friendly pieces that are sure to attract the avant garde dresser and the one who just wants a great pink coat.

Junya Watanabe presented an army of military inspired coats that I will covet for an eternity. The detail work mixed with innovation mixed with the classic vibe made for clothing that will never go out of style. The New Look silhouette mixed beatifully with the military style. Even though the collection featured army greens, blacks, brown, greys and camouflage, it remained decidedly feminine in shape and attitude.

Tsumori Chisato caught my eye for this first time this season. Her playfulness is distinct and unique among Japanese designers. She mixed colors, prints, references, styles and eras to create a surprisingly cohesive and endlessly interesting collection. If Tim Burton went bohemian, joined the circus, traveled Asia and read manga exclusively, it would produce something that looked like this. I again struggled with choosing images since each one seems so vibrant, new and important. A designer that can make cuteness like this feel important has a rare gift. Discovering her work has been my greatest pleasure this season.

Yohji Yamamoto remains conceptual yet wearable--a difficult balance to maintain season after season. Sticking by his tried and true color palette of black, cream and navy, Yamamoto played with proportion and volume to transform men shirts into dresses and double breasted coats into strapless numbers. I wasn't feeling the fishnet tops, but everything else succeeded. It becomes difficult to praise such a consistent designer who never becomes boring or predictable.

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

The Slogan Tees

80's styled, bright-coloured slogan tees are 'in' this year. This unfortunate trend was started by House of Holland, which basically makes loads of this kind of tees. I suppose one of the reasons why it caught people's attention was the cheeky slogans about other designers and models, (such as "Do Me Daily Christopher Bailey" and "Wham Bam Thank You Stam" or somthing like that.) I really didn't mind this trend back when the only people I saw wearing the tees were in magazines and websites. Unfortunately, my local department store has recently started selling them and now I'm actually seeing the tees worn on people and featured in local magazines around me! Bleh, I'm obviously no fan of this look.

And thanks to rising model Agyness Deyn, who is claimed to be 'cool and hip' by various magazines, House of Holland tees are now also considered to be 'cool and hip'. Uh, tacky colours much? (And I mean both Aggy's makeup and the tee, or maybe it's the combination of both.)

If you simply can't resist this trend, consider these very affordable choices by Urban Outfitters (left) and Top Shop (right.) Just because I don't like this trend doesn't mean I'm going to stop you from experimenting. Afterall, fashion's meant to be fun too and I'm sure lots of people out there love this trend!

So ok, I still don't completely get why so many people and supposedly classy magazines like Vogue are crazy for these tees. They're just so... unclassy and flashy. But I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Plus, trends pass by so quickly these days, so why not? What does everyone think about this trend?

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Too Short

As much as I've been going on and on about how hot short shorts are recently, there is an occasion when I don't find them so hot. And that is when it is worn by guys. I don't mean to be sexist here, but when it comes to short shorts for guys, there is such a thing as being too short.

I thought this was just one of those obvious rules that everyone knows about and adheres to, but apparently not. When I was flicking through the Prada men's catalog for SS07- purely for research purposes of course ;)- I was aghast to see men wearing such short shorts! Call me traditional, but I do not think guys (no matter how good looking they are) should be wearing such short shorts on the streets in public unless they're going to the beach.

Especially not printed short shorts with a printed top. It just seems so inappropriate! I thought that perhaps this may be a phenomena reserved for the runway like some trends are. But my friend assures me that it is not and that one of his friends actually own a pair by Marc Jacobs. So just to reiterate, men should not wear short shorts on the streets no matter what Prada says.

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

The Perfect Jeans For YOU

Left to right: J Brand 12" Pencil Leg Stretch Jean, Citizen of Humanity Kelly Jean, Notify Wide Leg Jean. All from

I always get asked whether skinny jeans are still 'in' or will still be 'in' in the foreseeable future and I usually give a vague reply. The runway collections show a bit of all styles of trousers (skinny, straight, wideleg,) and the trousers available in stores also are a bit of all styles. So the thing is, there is no one prevailing trend and you should just wear whatever you think is the most flattering and comfortable (as you should for all other garments too).

The style of jeans you look best in mostly just depends on your body shape. Take me and my friend for example, we're the same height but we have different body shapes: I'm pear-shaped and she's apple-shaped. I usually prefer bootcut, but I've started to wear straight-leg too last summer (as opposed to skinny jeans). My friend on the other hand, also used to wear bootcut (which fit a bit loose) until the whole skinny jean trend came along. Since then, she's been completely hooked onto skinny jeans because they seriously fit well on her.
The Telegraph recently just published a fantastic article on which body shape suits which cut. It's common sense really, but it's definitely worth a read. Let me know your experiences with different styles of jeans!

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Office Fashion: Dresses

Having been in my black suit "uniform" for a month now, I am ready for something different. Something a little more girlier and fun, but still suitable.

Rummaging through my closet, I came up with my Ralph Lauren shirt dress this summer. I've always thought it was a bit formal for everyday casual wear (though I wear it anyway), but now thinking about it for work, it just seems too casual. Kind of like I'm going to spend a day at the country club instead of a serious day at work. Although it IS a shirt dress, complete with a collar and all.

Going a bit deeper, I found this black silk and chiffon dress. I actually thought about wearing it to dinner and then to a club the other night. But decided that it was too formal for a club and it looked like it was for work. Then again, the chiffon and the silkiness of the dress makes it seem too dressy for work.....

Next in my wardrobe comes my Diane von Furstenburg wrap dress. I ended up wearing this to dinner and club the other night. This is classic. It is supposedly perfect for all occasions. But then my only worry is (and yes, I know, I worry too much, people probably don't even care), is this too nice for a summer intern?

So ladies, what do you think of the dress in the workplace? Is there such a thing as too formal for work? And what does it convey about our professionalism?

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Christmas cards signed by Princess Diana

My fridge is bursting with food, the bottles of champagne are cold, the Christmas tree is decorated and the presents are wrapped. There is one thing I have not done this year, however, and I hang my head in shame: I have not made or sent a single Christmas card. Not even a Christmas email! Have you? I expect you have. Sigh. Oh dear. I think I might have to send out Happy New Year emails, instead.

I think what put me off was not knowing what to write on the cards... because I like the idea of writing a personalised note on each one. But the truth is, that's a hassle and you end up not sending any. So next year when I do send out Christmas cards, I am sticking to one of these standard (but boring) phrases and just writing "to" and "from". I mean, the royals do it... see below.

Christmas cards signed by Diana and Charles

... and ones signed by Diana only.

And now my turn.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas! 

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Kate Middleton's gorgeous hair

Who doesn't want Kate's gorgeous hair? Unfortunately mine is not long enough yet but I am growing it out.

If you are in London you might be interested to know that she has her hair done at the Richard Ward salon. The salon has confirmed that James styled her hair for the engagement press day.

"Richard, Hellen and the Richard Ward team would like to send their sincere congratulations to Prince William & Kate Middleton on the announcement of their engagement.
It has been widely speculated in the press that Kate and the Middleton family have been loyal salon clients for many years; we would like to confirm this.
Our relationship with the Middleton’s has been built on discretion and trust, Richard and his team intend to maintain this relationship whilst respecting Kate’s on-going privacy.
We can confirm our stylist, James Pryce, did a fantastic job in enhancing Kate’s look for the engagement press day and we would like to extend our best wishes to the happy couple for the future."

Here is a collection of photos (in no particular order) that show her glossy locks.

The Most Expensive Handbags

You'd think that the birkins of the world were already expensive enough, but no, savvy designers just keep on coming up with even more extravagant creations to top the last one. Topping the Forbes list of the most extravagant bags in the world this year was not the Hermes Birkin*gasp*.

The honor this time around goes to Chanel (ah the ever business savvy Karl), with this "Diamond Forever" bag worth $260,150USD. This limited edition classic Chanel shoulder bag (there is only 13!) is made of alligator skin with 334 diamonds (3.56 carats) encrusting the iconic Chanel C's set in 18-carat white gold. From the picture it doesn't look too different from a classic Chanel bag (you'd think that the 334 diamonds would look shinier and more impressive ), except for the alligator texture. And personally, I don't see the attraction of alligator skin. Admittedly, this one doesn't look bad with its creamy color and the subtle texture. But in general, I don't like alligator skins because it resembles too much the actual animal and that creeps be out no end.

Coming in second is the super luxe version of the Birkin, the "Crocodile Birkin" at $120,000USD. Similarly made of crocodile skin (I really don't see the attraction with crocodiles), it too has a diamond encrusted clasp set in white gold. Though this time there are 10 carats. Hm...why is this less expensive than the Chanel one? Clearly this is the better bargain (if there is such thing as a bargain for such super luxe bags), especially since there are only 2 of them in the world. It wins hands down with size, rock and exclusivity!

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Philosophy's (non) miracle worker

Back in September I got really curious about Philosophy. I got loads of good recommendations and meant to try out an exfoliator but came home with an anti-ageing product, instead (not sure how that happened). Well, I don't have any wrinkles yet but one age spot on the side of my face so I sort of shrugged and thought, why not...

The miracle worker and I didn't get off to a good start... because despite all the writing on the box (where else do you see so much text on a skincare product?), there were no instructions on how to use the product. I mean, yes maybe it's obvious that you are supposed to pour the liquid onto the pads but I wanted to be sure, seeing as I'd spent so much money on it. And was I supposed to use it once or twice a day or week? I mean, this is surely a bit more complicated than the usual face creams that do come with the most banal instructions to "apply day and night", for example.

So I had to go to their website (what a hassle) for instructions.
And I poured the entire bottle over the pads.

Voila, the soaked pads.

Each pad has a smooth side and a rough side. I quite liked scrubbing my face with the rough side (it felt like it was doing something). The liquid felt peculiar, like a dry oil, but it didn't cause any problems. No break-outs.

In fact, nothing. I used this every night for 60 days, and I didn't see any difference. The age spot on my face is still there. No compliments on glowing skin, either.

I don't believe in miracles anymore... (I'll try again when I'm fifty.) 

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Kate Middleton's official engagement photos!

What gorgeous photos! Kate looks beautiful.

Especially in the second photo (below) you can really see how perfect her hair is and her make-up was obviously done professionally here, for a change. Not that it was ever bad (no, not at all!) but the eyes look 'softly smokey' (and not just the usual black eyeliner). She is also wearing a white dress and that gets my seal of approval! (you know how I love white!)

These photos were taken by Mario Testino.

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Cute, Cozy n Comfortable Boots

I don't remember Chicago EVER being this cold in the last few years that I've been here. The days and nights have been absolutely chilling and all I want to do is just bury myself in layers and layers of cashmere and down. In the spirit of keeping my feet warm and stylish, I went on a search for cute, cozy and comfortable boots (if I'm going to look like a fluffed up ball, I might as well be a cute fluffed up ball).

The first thing that actually came to mind was UGG! As Uggly as they are, they DO look oh-so-warm and cozy. And some of their other selections this season are really not that bad. I REALLY like these Uptown II boots (left). It doesn't look too much look a tree stump and the lace with the shearling coming out makes it look feminine and cute. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for these this weekend. And these Locarno look positively un-UGG-like, with its simple sleek shape. Well except for the shearling lining, but thats a GOOD thing.

More classics that you can walk around all winter in. There are these simple brown boots from KORS (left) with the cute buckle (they are definitely growing on me- I WANT it!) and these almost white boots from Adidas(right).

And just so we can be even more cutesy, there are these adorable pom pom embellished boots from Report (left) and Juicy Couture (right). The wedges also gives you some extra height.

Even though they are probably not the most comfortable things in the world, I couldn't resist throwing these in because they just look so cute and cozy from Calvin Klein (left) and Steve Madden (right)! And who knows, for some people they may be comfortable!